Udine, 24 aprile 2013. La Radio Televisione della Slovenia ha realizzato un documentario su Marjan Fabjan. Presentato in anteprima domenica scorsa, 21 aprile, nel cinema Metropol a Celje alla presenza dello stesso Fabjan, il lavoro “Soft as a rock” della durata di 50 minuti è stato messo in onda ieri sul primo canale della TV nazionale slovena ottenendo un eccellente indice di ascolto.
Marjan Fabjan, with three Olympic medals, with three medals from World championships and 21 from the European Championships, is one of the most successful judo coaches in the world. Five of his athletes have won medals at major competitions, but if one counts the other international competition, it is a veritable small army. What is the secret of his success? Athletes and coaches from all over the world come to his gym to discover the recipe for success. Unsuccessfully.
A similar objective have set the TV crew from TV Slovenija, public broadcaster from Slovenia. We have spent many weeks with Fabjan, his competitors, colleagues and family and discovered many secrets unknown to the public. Is Fabjan really such a dictator as rumour has it? What was his youth like and how did he spend his years working and fighting abroad? How has he built his ”factory” of medals?
In the end, we find Fabjan’s life a modern Cinderella story. Boy in his youth more hungry than fed, with the help of a fairy, judo, has made his dreams come true. Judo, which means the soft way, made Fabjan soft as a rock.
Documentary film Soft as a rock was formed in the sports editorship, but this is not just a sports film. Hard training, medals won and ups and downs are just one part of the movie. Impressive stories will move many viewers to tears and interesting interlocutors will make you laugh in the next minute. As one of the performers said: If I have not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it.
Scriptwriter and director of the documentary Soft as a rock is Zvezdan Martič, cameraman Aleš Živec, editor Matjaž Jankovič, editor in chief of sports programs Mile Jovanović, production of TV Slovenia 2013.
Contact: zvezdan.martic@rtvslo.si; +386-1-4752127

Puddu quinta in Abruzzo. Bene anche Bordon
È arrivata ad un passo dal podio dei 44 kg Elisabetta Puddu (foto d’archivio), che si è classificata al quinto posto con due vittorie, su